MTS brand, which operates under the Sistema Shyam TeleServices Limited on October 25, 2012 launched its high-speed mobile broadband service, MBlaze in eight new towns in the state of Kerala. The telecom service has launched in the towns like Koratty, Vaikom, Kundra, Ponnani,, Changaramkulam, Kundra, Koduvally and Mukkam across the Kerala circle.

A press release from the company said that with the latest launch, the brand has extended its reach to 73 towns across the circle. Radhakrishnan, the chief operating officer Kerala circle of MTS India said that MTS was focusing on expanding its high speed data network across the country.

The customers, in the cities where the services have been launched recently, can enjoy state-of-art HSD services including on the go access to live TV and video-on-demand. MTS across the state has about 65,000 high speed data customers.

The company has introduced a daily usage plan which provides unlimited data usage or one day at just Rs. 96. Unlimited data usage can be enjoyed with Unlimited MBlaze plans starting at Rs. 798. The company recently also introduced Unlimited social media plan at Rs. 647. The plan will provide unlimited access to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for a month. Moreover, the customers get additional 6GB data usage and the existing customers get 4GB data usage.


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